Riots in Hungary

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"We'll beat up everyone's heads, you rotten filth!"

2006.11.02. 09:38 | ike

English-language gastro blog reports that some American tourists were forced to hide in a restaurants' toilet when police raided the place on October 23. looking for rioters. A Canadian man and a German couple were beaten up, according to Budapest restaurants need larger restrooms.

"They said they had only experienced abuse of this kind in apartheid-era South Africa."
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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

sanyíííí 2006.11.02. 18:33:41

also the Polish Radio reporter was beaten while reporting live :( says it was worse than russian police (he worked there 10years)

hope 4th November will bring us victory, democracy, and freedom, without blood.

in 1956 we won on the 23rd and following days, but lost on the 4th... hope it will be changed in 2006

Ali Szabo 2006.11.03. 14:54:03

this pretty balkanic, i hope those cop will be charge for being corrupted. yes hopefully insha-allah (godswilling) we'll win this election, but question is how long those rioters in budapest gonna riots? and would they gonna erupt again if those gyurcsany administration sukers wins again?
im angrilly reacted of what i've heard about the cops beating the tourist.

Ali Szabo 2006.11.03. 15:18:08

sanyiii, because we lost october 23rd 2006 when the police raided the last barricade around Erzsebet Hid, probably this time we'll win on November 4th 2006, if we dont i dont know. But i hope those magyars not gonna give up at all and keep on fighting like what arabs do in Palestine or Iraq.
Anyway Good Luck those magyars who are willing to fight for our best nation ever exit.
Plz take my advice, do not let the police to keep firing tear gas and or rubber bullets on demonstrators cause once the police fired first, it is the time for demonstrators to fire back at the police, how to get a gun??? steal it. if i was still in hungary, i would fire back at those infidel police, no-mercy.

Zsommand · 2007.08.15. 19:43:30

When they reported that US citizens were beaten up actually it was true but they were exchange studens from Pécs who study political scinece and whent too close to the police in action. I know they told me :)

Daniel · 2008.03.15. 21:17:47

Are you (or anyone you know) going to liveblog/cover the current "unrest" in Budapest? I'd love to know if it's out there!

luckhu 2011.03.14. 10:43:17

Hello ,thanks for all the great information you have shared!

luckhu 2011.03.25. 04:22:20

Hello ,thanks for all the great information you have shared!

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